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Sports Injuries

In the past ten years it has become clear that the repeated traumatic insults involved in contact sports such as football, and soccer can lead to permanent brain injury.

In the past ten years it has become clear that repeated traumatic insults involved in contact sports such as football, and soccer can lead to permanent brain injury.

Some things you should know:

  • All schools and other sports programs should be expected to be knowledgeable about latest research in findings on sports related traumatic brain injury (TBI).
  • Based upon that known information trainers and coaches should make informed and correct decisions regarding participants "return to play" issues after a possible concussion.
  • Software programs, such as ImPACT testing, can be used to not only create a "baseline" of an individual's cognitive and physical skills at the beginning of a season, and can also be used to test those who may have suffered a concussion mid-season.
  • We know that athletes and young people will often purposely fail to report their symptoms so that they can continue playing. Because of this, coaches and trainers need to be especially vigilant in reporting and dealing with potential concussions.
  • We know that one of the dangers for a player continuing to play with a concussion is that their abilities are diminished and they are therefore a larger target for additional injuries. We also know that if the brain is suffering from even a minor concussion, any impacts within weeks of that initial injury will have a more devastating consequence.
  • We know that unfortunately repeated concussions can give rise to chronic traumatic encephalitis (CTE) which arises chronically after repeated concussions in the brain of the victim and includes ongoing neuro-degeneration. (See information on traumatic brain injury and dementia elsewhere on the site for more details).
  • We know that women are more susceptible to sports concussions than men.


  • Was there a release signed for injury in the sport?
  • Would it apply to this particular injury?
  • Are laws giving immunity or limited immunity to state schools?
  • Is there an equipment issue?